She went on to become the countrys first female president, in 2006. In her first presidential address in 2006, michelle bachelet pledged to work toward a. Lavorare con lonu tirocini volontariato programma per giovani. Programa gobierno bachelet 20062010 desigualdad social. Michelle bachelet reuterschilean ministry of defensehandout. She is trained as a doctor, with graduate studies in military sciences. On december 15, 20, bachelet wan a runaff election, regainin the presidency. Michelle bachelet, president of chile our world leaders. Keep in mind that since december 9th of 2015, the argentina presidency of the nation changed the licensing of media files published by them, from creative commons attributionshare alike 2. Le misure straordinarie non dovrebbero essere una copertura per le. Santiago lidia sandoval, a 57year old housemaid in chiles capital, says she voted for michelle bachelet in 20 because she inspired her trust, was close to the people and a leftist. The english opens doors program of the ministry of education has the.
Justin trudeau prime minister of canada 4,148 views 9. Michelle bachelet was less determined to pursue a countervailing egalitarian agenda, and made considerable efforts to accommodate the interests of chiles economic elites, as well as those of. Her father, alberto bachelet, was an air force general and official in president salvador allende allende gossens, salvador, 190873, president of chile 197073. As was the case with those who preceded her, bachelet wanted to. From 19751979 michelle bachelet was in exile with her mother in australia and germany, where she completed her education as a pediatrician. Michelle bachelet was born in santiago, chile, on september 29, 1951. Michelle bachelets appointments reflected a clear effort to integrate younger people in an attempt to promote generational change. In march 2009, bachelet launched the i choose my pc program, awarding free computers to poor. Politics, social security and inequality in chile 2002 and co. She is a chilean politeecian who served as preses o chile frae 2006 tae 2010. Prime minister trudeau and the president of chile, michelle bachelet, deliver joint remarks duration. The case of chile during michelle bachelets administration.
Forged from a partnership between a university press and a library, project muse is a trusted part of the academic and scholarly community it serves. Project muse promotes the creation and dissemination of essential humanities and social science resources through collaboration with libraries, publishers, and scholars worldwide. Pdf this chapter, the educational dimension, reflects the state of affairs and the perspectives of. This apply only for new files published by casa rosada after that date. Michelle bachelet and camila vallejo video this is the time for a cabinet change. Metung yang chilean a pulitikung migsilbing pamuntuk ning chile manibat 2006 anggang 2010. Chiles corruption is among the lowest in south america. It also presents some observations on the transformational force of chiles sociopolitical. Evaluation report chile udfrlc071983835 the gender.
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